28 Jun Artfully Organized

Welcome to the second week of our organization challenge! If you are jumping in mid-challenge, no worries! Each day has its own theme, and you will be able to choose between a small step, a large step, or an alternate task. Remember, some is better than none, so do what you are able!
If you haven’t already, copy and paste the items below into a new list in your Artful Agenda List tab and format to your liking. Next use the “snooze” feature to assign your chosen tasks to the appropriate days.
When you have completed an item, check it off, and then share your progress on social media (story, post, TikTok, etc.) using the hashtag #ArtfullyOrganizedDay8 (or whatever day it is).
Remember, one person who completes our challenge will win a $100 Target gift card! I can’t wait to see all of your amazing progress and share mine as well!
-Katy 🙂
Week Two
Monday – Phone
- Small step: Organize and delete unused apps
- Large step: Small step plus delete unnecessary photos, notes, etc.
- Alternate: Wipe off/clean phone
Tuesday – Bathroom
- Small step: Get rid of all unused/empty products
- Large step: Small step plus organize drawers and cabinets
- Alternate: Sort/organize makeup
Wednesday – Procrastinated Task Day
- Small step: Do one organizational/administrative thing you have been putting off
- Large step: Do three organizational/administrative things you have been putting off
Thursday – Kitchen Freshen Up
- Small step: Clean out 3 drawers/cabinets
- Large step: Organize all drawers and/or cabiinets
- Alternate: Change out drawer/cabinet liner
Friday – Device TLC
- Small step: Delete unused files from computer and/or tablet
- Large step: Small step + check for updates, organize folders and icons
- Alternate: Wipe off/clean computer or tablet
Saturday – Storage Sort
- Option A: Clean out storage/linen closet, laundry room, or mud room
- Option B: Choose three storage areas to clean out
- Option C: Organize something in your garage, basement or attic
Sunday – Make-Up Day
- Small step: Pick one day you didn’t get to and complete
- Large step: Pick two days you didn’t get to and complete
- Alternate: Tidy up an outdoor area (porch, patio, etc.)

Curious what you missed last week? Scroll below to see:
Week One
Monday – Office Area
- Small step: Desk
- Large step: Full office (desk, shelves, etc.)
- Alternate: Clean out your purse/wallet
Tuesday – Paperwork
- Small step: Sort then toss, file, reply, pay, etc. for 30 minutes
- Large step: Small step + organize home filing box
- Alternate: Clean out a junk drawer
Wednesday – Clothes
- Small step: Closet refresh
- Large step: Closet refresh + kids’ clothes
- Alternate: Organize jewelry, shoes, etc.
Thursday – Inbox
- Small step: 30 minutes of deleting, archiving, replying, etc.
- Large step: Inbox zero for one or more accounts
- Alternate: 15 minutes of unsubscribing
Friday – Toy Sort
- Small step: One shelf, toy box, etc.
- Large step: All toys in house
- Alternate: Books, sporting gear, etc.
Saturday – Donation Day
- Option A: Set timer for 20 minutes and fill donation box/bag
- Option B: Find 30 items to donate
- Option C: Go through each room and find all items for donation
Sunday – Food
- Small step: Remove old/unwanted food from fridge
- Large step: Clean out fridge, freezer, and pantry
- Alternate: Organize spices, oils, etc.

Nicole Smallbone
Posted at 21:45h, 10 JulyErmagawd I had zero idea this was even happening! Let the great purge of all useless things (to me) begin!!
Posted at 20:58h, 25 AugustAre there stickers like the one in the main image available?
Katy Allen
Posted at 19:07h, 30 AugustYes, they are!
Katy Allen
Posted at 19:08h, 30 AugustHi Lani! The photo is from our Instagram, so those are not stickers. However, we have some similar ones available in the app!