14 Aug The Best Mobile Apps for Productivity

Feeling overwhelmed with your to-do list? Struggling to get going on a Monday morning knowing that there are so many tasks to complete during that particular week in so little time? Are you finding that your productivity often ebbs and flows as the day wears on?
Trust me—we’ve all been there.
The good news is that for every issue that could come up in this digital age- there’s an app that will help us to tackle the world with increased productivity and efficiency!
These apps aren’t miracle workers. You still have to put in the hard work. Although, they can speed up your pace and improve the quality of your work.
As a bonus- the more productive you feel, the more mental clarity you will have.
Here are my current favorites.
1. Gratitude
Did you know that practicing gratitude is the simplest way to start your day feeling happy?
A lot of people like to do this through the #1 best-selling gratitude mobile app Gratitude! Which promotes making a gratitude list of five things every day in order to support better sleep, better relationships, and a better life.
Not interested in a separate app? Check out the routine that I have been using lately!
First, I make sure that I am following accounts and hashtags on Instagram that publish encouraging and motivational posts (@fleurdelisspeaks is a fave.)
In the morning, while I set my priority tasks, I challenge myself to write down three things I’m grateful for.
It’s amazing how carving out a little time to recognize positive thoughts helps start the day with fresh motivation and a sense of empowerment.
2. Daily Meditation
Similarly, finding a few moments of stillness for a little meditation helps me to take a step back and refocus.
Personally, I love Simple Habit for easy and quick daily meditation. Some people prefer guided meditation, but I just adore the ones with relaxing background noise. Fortunately, Simple Habit offers both.
For me, it’s all to do with mindset.
If I’m feeling calmer and more content in my current situation, then it makes me more relaxed and in a better mindset for achieving my work goals.
When you’re feeling more positive about reaching your goals, instead of stressed or panicky, then you’re more likely to get there.
The day gets busy- but that’s another reason I love this app. With five minute meditations, I can fit it in throughout the day- first thing, at the end of the day, and even on my breaks.
3. Meal Planning/Water Tracking
Having a mobile app that assists you with planning meals and tracking your water intake keeps you healthy. And when you’re healthy, you’re more productive.
Input impacts output. If you are putting healthy food and water into your body, you are going to have a better and more productive output. If you are a writer and you’re dehydrated- your energy levels and brain function will be negatively impacted, which means you won’t be on your way to being the next Lianne Moriarty (who I am low key obsessed with.)
Me? I’ve used MyFitnessPal off and on for years. I love that it allows you to track exercise and food. It shows not just calories but also macros and micros!
4. Goal Tracking
A goal-tracking app like Habit Tracker helps you set the bar for yourself. You can hold yourself accountable for all your goals, whether they’re in relation to work or your personal life.
In order to feel truly motivated with what you’re doing, you need to know which direction you’re heading in, right?
Along with setting goals and tracking your progress, you can also use one of these apps to plan your schedule and create healthy new habits that you can work towards or pause whenever it’s convenient for you.
It’s all about keeping the motivation train going!
5. Artful Agenda
The four apps I’ve mentioned so far are excellent solutions for productivity needs. What if I told you that there’s an all in one app available that would help you to keep everything in one spot and boost your productivity to exponential levels?
With the Artful Agenda mobile app, in both the Apple store and Google Play store, you can see your entire life at a glance- and it’s not just a calendar. Keep reading for a few of the features you’ll find with the Artful app.
- Motivational Quotes: This aspect is constantly updated to keep you feeling inspired
- Meal Plan/Water Tracking: These features help you to keep track of your meals and water intake, and see what you need to get at the grocery store
- Goal Tracking: You can set weekly and monthly goals and use priority tasks to keep you on track
- Gratitude: You can make your custom list a gratitude section to record the little joys in your life
Embracing Mobile Apps for Productivity
Ultimately, having mobile apps for productivity work because they help you to reflect on your current situation, goals, and physical and mental health.
If you’re doing all the critical thinking in advance about what you need to do and when, it not only enhances your productivity and motivation levels, but it also saves you time and energy by not having to think about these things later on down the line.
The point of productivity apps is making the road to getting tasks completed more straightforward. I bet your goals have never felt so within reach—am I right?
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